News & Results

May 2019

May has been an exciting month for our club and a very busy time for all our athletes.  It began on the bank holiday where 22 of our seniors happily ran that extra distance in the 2019 controversial Belfast Marathon (see separate report) which was soon followed by the turn of our juveniles...

Ardee/Reaghstown Area Community Games

A Big Thank you to all who competed in the Ardee/Reaghstown Area Community Games on May 21st in the Boys’ School Field, Ardee. For some it was their first time ever competing at an athletic event and they were wonderful.  An Under 7 novelty race was held with all the competitors receiving a...

From School to Beach…

May 15th – Congratulations to our Juveniles competing for their schools at the Leinster Schools Track & Field Finals today. Órlaith Carolan and her team mates, winners of the Junior 4x100m Relay, Kya Mothiram 2nd in the Minor Shot Put and 5th for Samantha McCarron in the Junior Javelin. Well done ladies we’re...


WHAT FUN OUR CLUB HAD ON THIS LOVELY MAY BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND. May 5th – Well done to Leo Farrell, (42:19) Ben Corccan (46:53) and Dave Symmons (48:26) who ran the Yapstone Drogheda 10k..  A tough course but wonderful atmosphere and well run event. Well done lads. Leo Farrell and Ben Corcoran. Dave...


The Belfast City Marathon May 5th 2019 – 22 Ardee & District AC members headed to Belfast today. All were simply fantastic. We had 3 relay teams and 7 marathon runners. Our marathon runners were Nathan Anderson, Paul Barns, Brian Duff, David Tyhuis, Kevin Carroll, Gearoid Harvey and Ronan O’Sullivan.  Our relay teams...

North Leinster Schools Track & Field Championships 2019

Congratulations to our Juvenile Members representing their schools at the North Leinster Schools Track & Field Championships on May 3rd at Morton Stadium, Dublin.  All our athletes competed in many disciplines in the Minor, Junior, Intermediate and Senior categories. * Abbie Sheridan, Ardee Community School – Gold in the Senior 3K. * Samantha...