Contact Us

Contact Information

  • Do not message us on Facebook – the page was hacked and is under investigation.
  • Email: (Secretary)
  • Chairperson: David Tyhuis – 087 183 9965
  • Vice Chairperson: Michael Pentony – 086 777 8244
  • Treasurer: Pauline Breslin – 087 290 9516
  • Secretary: TBC – 
  • Club Registrar: Trudi McGuinness – 087 296 7835
  • Competition Secretary: Bernie Balfe –
  • Adult Group Coordinator: Ben Corcoran – 087 684 4166
  • Adult Group PRO: Ben Corcoran- 087 684 4166
  • Juvenile PRO: Helen McManus – 087 419 8729
  • General PRO: David Tyhuis – 087 183 9965
  • Seamie’s Race Coordinator: Trudi McGuinness – 087 296 7835
  • Club Development Officer: Peter Carolan – 087 232 2615
  • Social Events Officer: Dave Symmons – 087 272  7620
  • County Board Rep: Deidre McMahon – 087 648 8514
  • Community Games Coordinator: Deidre McMahon – 087 648 8514
  • CCO (Club Children’s Officer): Bernie Balfe – (Appointed)
  • DLP (Designated Liaison Person): Ben Corcoran – 087 684 4166 (Appointed)
  • Coaching Coordinator: Michael Pentony 086 777 8244 (Appointed)
NB – All correspondence to the club via Facebook/Email will be responded to within 24hrs except at weekends.


We are located every Tuesday & Thursday from 6.30pm – 7.30pm at the following training facilities except during club breaks (1 or 2 weeks at the end of August and 2 to 3 weeks during the Christmas season)…

  • A parish field known as ‘The Boys’ School Field’, Drogheda Road, Ardee, Co. Louth / A92 APV4 (opposite the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady) from March (following daylight savings) to October.
  • Ardee St. Mary’s GFC’s Training Grounds, Drogheda Road, Ardee / A92 K226 (opposite & above Lidl) from October to March.

The Boys’ School Field

Ardee St. Mary’s GFC