July 31st – C25K SOCIAL NIGHT – On the evening of July 31st our club enjoyed a social night with our C25K group preparing for The Seamie Weldon Memorial 5K on September 7th. Some C25K remined at the park coached by the wonderful Aiden Mooney and some braved joining our senior members on a fun 5K paced by the lovely Ben Corcoran AND all finished under the club tent at the Fairgreen Park to enjoy a slice of pizza. A lovely evening was had by all. Well done everyone.

August 1st – The following day Danny and David headed of for a fun run from Carlingford to Omeath along the Greenway and back but not without stopping for a cuppa in Omeath… Happy Chaps.

Bank Holiday Weekend, August 2nd to 5th – The weekend began with Ben Corcoran accompanied by his daughter Evie completing his 100th Parkrun in Deerpark Carlanstown, congratulations Ben and later that day he was back out again enjoying the Streets of Athboy 5K with Michael, Vincent, Paddy, Emma, Dave, Pauline, Joan and Theresa. And congratulations to Vincent on his 1st place O55 category win. Lovely running Everyone.

August 10th – A PARKRUN SPECIAL – The sun shone brightly as our club members headed in mass to Deerpark parkrun Carlanstown, we also ran the event for them today and had an absolutely lovely time with our friends in Deerpark Carlanstown…
Preparations & wamrup…

And they’re off…

Sunday, August 11th – 3 good men enjoyed a very warm and the super organised Monaghan 10 Miler. Fantastic running from Brian, Frank and Michael…

Weekend 16th to 18th – Wonderful running conditions this weekend as the rain held off and some of our members began with the lovely Rathkenny AC 5K road race on Friday night. The following morning Vincent completed his weekly parkrun in Deerpark Carlanstown while a jolly bunch of our members completed the Irish Life Frank Duffy 10 Mile. And on Sunday, a few of our members along with some of our coaches, committee and parents of juvenile members help out at our annual Open Track & Field Sports Day. Wonderful runny from everyone and thank to all our volunteers at the Sports Day.
Rathkenny AC 5K Road Race…

Weekend 24th & 25th – Our members were popping up all over the place this weekend, kicking off on Saturday with the local parkruns in Deerpark Carlanstown, Dundalk and Oldbridge while on Sunday we had members enjoying the Antrim Coast Half Marathon, the Longford Marathon and the Rossin Rovers AFC Heritage 5K. Well done everyone.

Midweek August 27th and 28th – A happy Michael Kinahan ran the Alec Fennell 5K with friends and our club held an open trial night to run our 5K & 10K Seamie Weldon Memorial race routes. Lots of happy faces, well done everyone…

Weekend August 31st/September 1st –
The sun finally appeared this weekend and it began with Bernie Balfe being the first woman home at Oldbridge parkrun, well done Bernie and back in Ardee many of our members went out to run Seamie’s 5K & 10K course routes with our C25K Group, running Seamie’s 5K for the first time in preparation for our race event on September 7th. No bother to them, they were fantastic…