October 1st – Congratulations to Liam Giggins, Mark Durnin, Dave Symmons and Tony Finegan on their 4th place team at the 6K Louth Novice Cross Country Championships in Darver and well done to Hazel McGuinness coming 5th overall in the Women’s Novice 3K on a return trip from Spain. Well done Everyone

October 8th – Congratulations to Liam Giggins on completing the Fastlane 3/4 Marathon along the Grand Canal in Dublin in a super time of 2:13:18. Well done Liam
October 8th – Supper running from Vincent McQuillan and Tony Finegan at the Louth Intermediate Cross Country Championships. Well done Lads

At 8.45am on Sunday, October 29th the gun fired at the start of the 2023 Irish Life Dublin City Marathon and amongst the starters were 26 of our wonderful members ???????? Michelle Lynch, Kate Moonan, Tracey Gillespie, Emma Clinton, Emma Wiebenga, Joan McQuillan, Mary McTiernan, Bernie Balfe, Teresa Ludden, Liam Giggins, Paddy Meade, Michael Pentony, Conor Lynch, Roy Crawley, Aidan Mooney, Barry Rogers, Niall Carroll, Cillian Farrell, Gerry Clinton, Danny Cirdei, David Tyhuis, Lar Farrell, Mick Kiernan, Ronan O’Sullivan, Paddy O’Mahony & Frank Meade. Congratulations to each and every one of you.
Half the gang on a last wee run a couple of days before the race…
Meeting up before the race…

And they’re off…

And they did it…

Supporting our runners…

Celebrating for breakfast the next day…

And look who popped up on social media…

❤️❤️❤️ And a huge THANK YOU to our local PARKRUNS where our members enjoy a regular weekly non-competitive friendly 5K Oldbridge, Dundalk, Deerpark Carlanstown, Navan & many more throughout the country and world!…
October 7th – Fun running in Deerpark Carlanstown parkrun, well done Everyone.

October 14th – Michael & Ronan with his sons enjoying a sunny Oldbridge.

October 14th – And more running over in Deerpark Carolanstown and the sun’s shining there too.

October 21st – Another sunny morning this weekend in Deerpark Carlanstown…

October 28th – Leo and Ben with is daughter Evie in Deerpark Carlanstown…