June 4th – Congratulations to Ashling O’Malley, Teresa Ludden and Michelle Lynch who ran the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon on one of the hottest days of the summer, a super achievement…. Well done Ladies.

June 10th – What a day, lots of running at the Glenmore Challenge Running Festival with plenty of choices, a 5K, 10K, 10 Mile and 21K. Another glorious day of sunshine with music, beer and a BBQ at the end. Well done Everyone.

June 16th – Congratulations to Bernie, Sarah and Alan on running the Boyne 5K and a special mention to Bernie who was the 4th lady home and won a prize in her age category. Well done Guys.

June 16th – Super running from Renan, thoroughly enjoying the Gay Pride Run (5K) in the Phoenix Park.
June 18th – Well done to Ben who ran the Dunshaughlin 10K.
June 18th – Fantastic running from member Sarah and daughter Maya who ran the Belfast City Women’s 10K raising money for Ardee Hospice. Well done Ladies.

June 21st – Super running from Ben and Leo and newcomer Shirley at the Longwoman’s 5K and congratulations to Ben on a new PB 18:40

June 24th – Well done to the lads with the short shorts! Wonderful running from Michael and Paddy at the Paddy Cheshire Memorial 5K, they really pushed themselves.

June 25th – It was hot a hot one at the Waterford Viking Marathon but they did it. Well done to David and Danny.

And from time to time our members enjoy FUN RUNS – getting together at weekends to enjoy a variety of runs; a speedy scenic 5K, preparing for a race, a long slow trip around the local roads or take to the mountains for an uplifting challenge…
June 3rd – Starting at Drumcondrath parish centre this hardy bunch enjoyed a slow 16K in the lovely sunshine…

And a huge THANK YOU to our local PARKRUNS where our members enjoy a regular weekly non-competitive friendly 5K Oldbridge, Dundalk, Deerpark Carlanstown, Navan & many more throughout the country and world!…
June 3rd – Oldbridge parkrun and congratulations to Bernie and Vincent, 1st female and male to finish…

June 3rd – Navan parkrun, good on ya Michael…

June 10th – Deepark Carlanstown parkrun and 1st home for Frank…
June 10th – Dundalk parkrun, well done Michael…
June 17th – Deerpark Carlonstown parkrun – 3rd male to finish, well done Frank…

June 24th – Oldbridge parkrun – Supper running from all, Paddy, Mark, Ronan, Bernie, Max and Alfie and congratulations to Paddy, 2nd home and Mark 3rd home…

June 24th – Carlanstown parkrun – Lovely running from Frank, Leo, Vincent, Joan and Teresa and congratulations to Vincent runing an amazing 18.39…

June 24th – Malahide parkrun – Dave spreading the love from Deerpark Carlanstown to Malahide…