NOVEMBER 13TH – Congratulations to Aisling O’Malley, Amanda McElroy, Danny Cirdei, David Tyhuis, Roy Crawley, Sarah Duff, Aidan Mooney, Peter Carolan and Pauline Breslin on completing the Mullingar Marathon. Super running from everyone and a fantastic achievement especially for Aisling, Amanda, Sarah, Aidan and Pauline as this was their first marathon and Roy and Peter’s first opportunity to run in a real one. Well done to you All.

NOVEMBER 20TH It’s fun to run amongst good buddies especially when there’s a cuppa and a bun at the end
A huge congratulations to this happy crew who ran the Annagassan 10K RUN.
Well done to our members Ben Corcoran, Michael Pentony, Peter Carolan, Aisling O’Malley, Karen Taaffe, Tracey Gillespie, Leo Farrell, Bernie Balfe, David Tyhuis, Brian Duff, Aidan Mooney, Conor Lynch, David Symmons, Pauline Breslin, Annemarie Dillon, Michelle Lynch, Joan McQuillan, Emma Weibenga, Amanda MeElroy, Roy Crawley, Danny Cirdei, Joanne Dillon, Frank Meade, Bernie O’Mahoney, Regina MeElroy, Liam Giggins, Emma McElroy and Gerry Clinton
And a special shout out to Michelle Lynch and Liam Giggins both finishing in the top ten of their age group 18-39 (Michelle 1st / Liam 5th) and an impressive 11th place finish for Leo Farrell (O50s)

NOVEMBER 28TH – WOW what a day, it may have been cold but the warmth and fun of the Louth Masters’ Cross Country Championships shone through, a wonderful athmosphere, with our members bringing home a medal or two!
Well done to this hardy bunch… Bernie Balfe, Pauline Breslin, Yvonne Callan, Annemarie Dillon, Michelle Lynch, Joan McQuillan, Karen Taaffe, Emma WiebengaPeter Carolan, Tony Finegan, Reggie Malone, Fintan McQuillan, Ronan O’Sullivan, Michael Pentony, Dave Simmons