Maith Thú agus Bualadh Bos to Danny Cirdei, Bernie Balfe and David Tyhuis who competed in the Irish National 50k Championships in Donadea on February 12th. A super achievement, Congratulations
Super running from these Three Amigos in tough heavy wet conditions but they did it with tremendous support and encouragement of each other including an extra 5k Bernie ran to accompany David to the finish line and a special shout out to Rebecca Carolan of Boyne AC for looking after them, their water, gels and her terrific encouragement, thank you
WOW, Amazing results from these two Ladies on February 13th… A huge Congratulations to Marta Maksimowicz and Ashling O’Malley who ran the Clogherhead 5k together in a super 29 minutes
We’re simply delighted for you both, there’s no stopping ye now