The first weekend of the Glo Heath national indoor championships took place last weekend in Athlone international arena. Conor McMahon and Niamh Tenanty both came through the Leinster region qualifications to the all Ireland finals for a chance to compete for a national medal.
On Saturday Conor McMahon competed in the boys u16 high jump competition. While our numbers were small in Athlone the talent was massive. Conor proved to be very proficient in the high jump event with a great sequence of jumps. When the bar was raised to 1.70m there remained six athletes all in contention for a medal. A height of 1.73m divided the group and Conor took his place on the podium for the third place National bonze medal a mere 6cms behind the champion.
On Sunday Niamh Tenant took her turn to travel to the midlands, where she competed in the girls u16 60m sprint. The top 3 sprinters from each province plus Dublin lined up for the 60m dash. Niamh left the blocks with speed down the lane in a time of 8.26secs. However this was not enough to secure her a place in the final.
The final day of the championships take place next Saturday 28th March. Jonathan Commins will represent Ardee and district in the u15 60m hurdles and the u15 shot putt with Conor McMahon in the u16 long jump.